Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

A Cost of Loyalty

A poem about betrayal

Peter Turner
Feb 1, 2023


A sudden jerk, wrenched from the clouds.

Warm familiarity now an icy wind;

pierced through you, humiliated, naked,


A smile evaporates to a ghastly precipitate.

You’re frozen.

A bad taste, left behind.

Mutilating memories, intertwined.

Searing pain.

Transfixed. Limp limbs..

For what seemed once is now no more,

A valley of a deathly sore.

Bland greys where all colours once were.

Move on or stay, fixed to the floor?

Though a blow to the mind may shatter reality,

Don’t they always bring forth new…possibility?



Peter Turner

Inquisitive EdTech cofounder. Software person. Interested in history and historic fiction.